Caveats and known issues

Since this is a currently an beta release there are a few known issues, and workarounds, to be aware of. We also recommend you consult GitHub for other tagged issuesopen in new window.

We also highly encourage you to post an issueopen in new window if you see a problem that doesn't already have an issue.

$HOME considerations sets $HOME to /app by default. This makes sense in a read-only hosting context but is problematic for local development since this is also where your git repository lives and you probably don't want to accidentally commit your $HOME/.composer cache into your repo.

Lando changes this behavior and sets $HOME to its own default of /var/www for most user initiated commands and automatic build steps.

It also will override any PLATFORM_VARIABLES that should be set differently for local dev. For a concrete example of this's Drupal 8 template will set the Drupal /tmp directory to /app/tmp, Lando will instead set this to /tmp.

However, it's probable at this early stage that we have not caught all the places where we need to do both of the above. As a result you probably want to:

1. Look out for caches, configs, or other files that might normally end up in $HOME.

Do you due diligence and make sure you git status before you git add. If you see something that shouldn't be there let us knowopen in new window and then add it to your .gitignore until we have resolved it.

2. Consider LANDO specific configuration

If you notice your application is not working quite right it's possible you need to tweak some of the defaults for your application's configuration so they are set differently on Lando. We recommend you do something like the below snippet.


$platformsh = new \Platformsh\ConfigReader\Config();

if ($config->environment === 'lando') {
  $settings['file_private_path'] = '/tmp';
  $config['system.file']['path']['temporary'] = '/tmp';

Note that the above is simply meant to be illustrative.


Lando will currently not perform redirects specified in your routes.yaml. Instead it will provide separate http and https routes.

Adding redirect support is being discussed in this ticket: in new window.

Local considerations

There are some application settings and configuration that will automatically set if your project is based on one of their boilerplates. While most of these settings are fine for local development, some are not. If these settings need to be altered for your site to work as expected locally then Lando will modify them.

For example if your project is based on the Drupal 8 Templateopen in new window then Lando will set the tmp directory and set skip_permissions_hardening to TRUE.

Lando will likely not do this in the future in favor of a better solution but until then you can check out what we set over hereopen in new window.

Memory limits

Some services eg Elasticsearch require A LOT of memory to run. Sometimes this memory limit is above the defaults set by Docker Desktop. If you are trying to start an app with memory intensive services and it is hanging try to bump the resources allocated to Docker Desktop and try again. See the below docs:


You can enable and use xdebug by turning on the extension in your and doing a lando rebuild.

    - redis
    - xdebug

Due to how sets up xdebug it should be ok to have this on even in production. However, if you would like to enable it only on Lando you can override the extensions in your Landofile. Note that the entire array is replaced in the overrides so your Landofile should reflect all the extensions you want to use not just the difference.

recipe: platformsh
          - redis
          - xdebug

Lando will also make a best effort attempt to set the correct xdebug configuration so that it works "out of the box". If you find that things are not working as expected you can modify the configuration to your liking using the same override mechanisn.

          - redis
          - xdebug
        # XDEBUG 2
        xdebug.remote_enable: 1
        xdebug.remote_mode: req
        xdebug.remote_port: 9000
        xdebug.remote_connect_back: 0

        # XDEBUG 3
        xdebug.discover_client_host: true
        xdebug.mode: debug

Platformsh.agent errors

When you run lando start or lando rebuild you may experience either Lando hanging or an error being thrown by something called the platformsh.agent. We are attempting to track down the causes of some of these failures but they are generally easy to identify and workaround:

# Check if a container for your app has exited
docker ps -a

# Inspect the cause of the failure
# Change app to whatever you named your application
# in your
lando logs -s app

# Try again
# Running lando start again seems to work around the error
lando start

Persistence across rebuilds

We've currently only verified that data will persist across lando rebuilds for the MariaDB/MySQL and PostgreSQL services. It may persist on other services but we have not tested this yet so be careful before you lando rebuild on other services.


If you are using .platform/applications.yaml to configure multiple applications and you have two apps with the same source.root then Lando will currently use the first application for tooling.

As a workaround you can use lando ssh with the -s option to access tooling for other applications with that source.root.

In the below example, assume there are three php applications with the same source.route.

# Go into a directory that has many apps with that same source.route
# See the php version of the first app with source.root at this directory
lando php -v

# Access another app with same source.root
lando -s app2 -c "php -v"

Unsupported things

There are a few things that are currently unsupported at this time, athough we hope to add support in the future.